Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Research for Home of the Future.

Research for Home of the Future.


What will your future look like in 2030?


Petrol costs $4 a litre but it only costs you $25 to fill up your car for the week. Electricity costs three times the current price but you're still paying the same as you were 30 years ago.

You're shouting at the kids to get off the 3D holographic 'play cube' and to stop drinking soft drink. Dexter, your household nanny-bot, interjects:

"But I paid the extra one cent for green aluminium - I thought you'd be pleased!"

The one cent is neither here nor there, you explain. There's plenty of money in your account for computer games or sustainable snack foods. Australia's GDP has grown steadily to twice what it was in 2006, but sadly, so have our waist lines.

"I've told you to stop feeding them junk food, Dexter!"

If this sounds like a cute scene out of Buck Rogers, think again. A major new report from WWF has proposed a realistic and sustainable picture of Australia's future - minus the robot of course - that's far from the gloomy scenario we've come to expect from watching the news or the latest sci-fi thriller, if we act now.

This article is just how i've always imagined the future to be. I've always dreamt that there will one day be a gadget that you can ask to make you any meal in the world, press a button and magically it would appear right there in front of you. I guess I got all these strange ideas from tv shows like the Jetsons. I've always imagined robots in our future, similar to what they are like in the movie Bicentennial man . I picture children playing will all sorts of newly invented computer/virtual games. I think that kitchens will become rare, and unfortunately more people will become overweight.

I think the conditions in houses will become very simple and plain and will revolve around squared shapes. Houses will be decorate in colours ranging through whites, blacks, silvers and greys, and every house will always be spotless. Clean clean clean. We are a lot more organised.

When it comes to electricity, i believe there will be no cords. Everything will be wireless, or powered by another energy source, wind or solar, for example.

Outside, i believe there will a lot less greenery, and less animals due to climate change. The weather is going to create the biggest changes of all.

There are less objects inside our homes due to the fact that device will be able to be use for more than one function. So instead of having a television, radio, mp3 player, playstation, ect.. They will all be located in one mechanism.

I think more artifical resources will be used to create things, rather than natural resources like wood ect. I do believe however, that we will become more energy efficient, and recycle more.

Bulidings are a lot more sophisticated and interesting. The shapes range from all sorts, they are not just rectangular, like they are now.

Insipration of my ideas have come from articles including:

