Monday, August 17, 2009

Honestly, i'm not a big fan of this poster. I like the colour scheme, but other than that i think it looks a little amaturish and boring. It doesnt capture my attention at all, and it doent make me want to go to the concert. However, it is very clean and easy to read which is a positive.

I really don't like this poster. Honestly, the this type of illustration really freaks me out. I'm not entirely sure why, i think it's because it reminds me of the circus, and clowns really scare me.
Other than that, The hierarchy works well, as does the negative space where the sky is.

I probably like this festival poster the best out of the lot. The colours are great, they compliment eachother and the animation is interesting and modern. The negative space works really well, it allows for the audience to focus on the title and image. Over all a successful poster.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Final Product and Appraisal

First of all I would like to say that I'm actually really happy with the poster that i've created. It's exactly what I wanted it to be. It's hip, edgy and unique. When it came to the text, I figured that it had to be bold because the background of the piece has quite a lot of depth and texture to it, so not all fonts would contrast well against it. I decided to go with the Stencil Font because I felt that it fit the theme of the festival. However, I only wanted the title of the festival to appear in the Stencil font. For the rest of the informative text, I used a plain impact text so it still appear bold, but different to the title.

The shape of Laura's body was really important to me. I tried to create an interesting body shape because apart from the text, she was going to be the main aspect of this poster. The shape compliments the text because she is edgy and almost jaggered with her body shape, in comparison to the text which is clean cut and simple.

Colour was an interesting aspect of my poster. My theme was based on punk rock, therefore I decided against using colour because I believe that this type of genre doesn't usually have a lot of colour related to it. For example, Punk and Rock music is quite often the type of music that "Emo" people listen to. "Emo" is a stereotype that has been created by the younger generation that means "Emotional", which is similar to being "Gothic". They usually dress in all black and wear very heavy make up, even including the boys.
There for, to keep the theme authentic, I stuck to using black and white for my poster.

We went to a local primary school to take these photos. I was very careful about what I wanted in the background of my photo. I decided that the trees and grass created great texture and depth for the photograph. Especially the leaves. It gives the poster a rough, edgy effect which fits in perfectly with the theme.

Finally, you will notice that there is negative space on the right of the poster. I felt that it was necessary to have a space on the poster where it was purely just the photograph with nothing on to of it distracting you from the photograph. I feel that the negative space gives the poster a breath of fresh air, and helps with the viewer not becoming overwhelmed with the information.

Ideas for my musical festival:

I pondered what type of music my music festival would have for quite some time. I couldn't decide because my favourite music to listen to is RnB and jazz music, and I didn't really think that i could make an exciting interesting poster with that genre. I want to create something unique and hip. Something stylish and intoxicating. Even though I don't really like punk or rock and roll music, i would like to base my music festival on that genre of music. I think its due to the fact that, punk rock has it's own style which would be great to work from. The type of people that would go to my music festival are young adults, both male and females, between the ages of eighteen to twenty four. They will have to be at least eighteen years of age because it will be an event that alcohol is allowed. The atmosphere will be one of a kind. I would like it to be set outside, in a park environment so that way it is welcoming, is a large space and has plenty of room. It would be a festival that has many bands playing, not just one, and would start in the middle of the afternoon and go through out the evening.

Saturday, August 15, 2009



Before we went out for the photo shoot I had to style my model, Laura.
I wanted to do her make up really heavy and dark. I used a mix of colours including blacks, purples and blues. For her hair, I just wanted it messy and teased.
When it came to her clothing I decided to put her in short denim ripped shorts, a plain white T-Shirt tied up at the front, a tartan blue jacket and the punkiest part of the outfit, Doc Martens.
As for the venue of the photoshoot, I decided to go to a local primary school and use the scenery from there.

Here are a handful of some of the photos that I took:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Punk/rock and roll photo inspiration

These images are inspirational towards my concept of a punk/rock and roll theme for my photoshoot.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Research Continued.

The ipod advertisements are probably my favorite concept. I love the idea of working with silhouettes. They are all so intoxicating. They almost make you want to dance. The contrast between the black body shapes and the colourful background work together to create an interesting and modern add.

This is a photo of Whitney who was the Winner of America's Next top model. I particularly related to this image because of it relation to music. The use of the sky as negative space is great because it allows the viewers to focus on the model and her surroundings. There is punky look about her, however then you look at her face, and she has make up on as if she is a clown, which I dont really like. I hate clowns.

This is a photograph that was taken during the television show, America's Next Top Model.
I like this photo because it is edgy and interesting. The water flowing creates great line and texture, and the contrast of the females body and the background compliment each other very nicely.

This add really captured my attention.
As soon as I saw it, the balloons instantly made me think of a festival.
The hierachy is fantastic. You first look at the top of the page, where the bundle of balloons being, and then slowly your eye moves horizontally towards the model, straight to the brand name, Dior, and finally down the models body, all the way to her feet.
The pastel colours create a calm and happy illusion allowing for the add to be quite pleasant.

Music Festival: Part 1 - Research: Stina Persson

Stina Persson.

Stina Persson is an illustrator based in Stockholm, Sweden.

I am absolutely in love with her work.
I love everything about the pieces that she creates.
I especially love how she uses colour, and the shapes and styles that she's developed.

She has a great talent for creating pieces that appear to be full, however simultaneous have negative space incorporated into them.