Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ideas for my musical festival:

I pondered what type of music my music festival would have for quite some time. I couldn't decide because my favourite music to listen to is RnB and jazz music, and I didn't really think that i could make an exciting interesting poster with that genre. I want to create something unique and hip. Something stylish and intoxicating. Even though I don't really like punk or rock and roll music, i would like to base my music festival on that genre of music. I think its due to the fact that, punk rock has it's own style which would be great to work from. The type of people that would go to my music festival are young adults, both male and females, between the ages of eighteen to twenty four. They will have to be at least eighteen years of age because it will be an event that alcohol is allowed. The atmosphere will be one of a kind. I would like it to be set outside, in a park environment so that way it is welcoming, is a large space and has plenty of room. It would be a festival that has many bands playing, not just one, and would start in the middle of the afternoon and go through out the evening.

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