Sunday, September 20, 2009


Postmodernism literally means the movement after the modernist movement. It's hard to locate when postmodernism actually began due to the fact that there are so many varieties of disciplines or areas of study, including art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology, communications, fashion, and technology.

Artist from the Postmodernism Movement:

Neville Brody:

Brody is a qualified Graphic Designer, and in the 1980's became the art director at Fetish Records. He experiments with new type faces and mixed fonts, ignored typeface sizes and standard distances between lines, interspersing fonts with decorative elements.

David Carson is the founder, principle and chief designer for David Carson Design, Inc. with offices in New York City and Charleston, SC. He likes to experiment in way to communicate using different mediums. His unique style has constantly been defined as illegible. He is a rule breaker when it comes to the design principles. His work is probably my favourite.

Barbara Kruger

Barbara Kruger is an American artist known for her controversial art pieces. Kruger uses existing photographs and layers them with aggressive text. All of her pieces are very powerful and allow for her viewers to commit to great thought when pondering what her pieces symbolize. Her instantly recognizable photographs explore the dynamics or power, representation, sexuality, and identity. She constantly challenges the question of stereotypes and cliches using phrases such as 'i shop, therefore i am," and "Your body is a battleground". She manly uses simple colours including black, white, grey and red. She then adds the words to provoke emotion in the audience.

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